Tag: india development

100,000 People to March for Land Rights

/ January 23, 2012

People of India march from Gwalior to Delhi for land reforms

New Crop Trend Beats Climate Change

/ January 20, 2012

Enterprising Farmer in Raakh, Maharashtra switches crops and succeeds.

Domestic Abuse Victim Gives Testimony

/ January 19, 2012

Woman talks about her life as a victim of domestic violence.

Organic Spice Boom in Uttarakhand

/ January 16, 2012

Organic spice farming flourishes in the village of Gairsen, Uttarakhand.

The Dirtiest Block in Clean Gujarat

/ January 13, 2012

Sayla Block, Gujarat is still waiting for a drainage system.

No Escape from Illegal Alcohol

/ January 10, 2012

In Karauli, Rajathan, scheme for rehabilitating bootleggers falls through.

Aisha Ansari: Fighter, Survivor and Leader

/ December 16, 2011

An extraordinary woman fights against domestic violence in Mumbai slums.