Tag: kerosene

Black Market Kerosene Floods Jharkhand

/ April 6, 2012

Tribals kept out of PDS have to opt for illegal fuel.

Mumbai Demands End to Corruption

/ October 28, 2011

Residents of Mankhurd, Mumbai came together to protest kerosene price hikes.

Slums Affected By Rampant Corruption

/ September 14, 2011

Corruption in kerosene distribution is widespread in Mumbai slums, cutting down rations considerably.

Electricity Brings A Ray of Hope

/ August 17, 2011

Villagers in Dughati, Rajasthan, saw their lives lit up with the coming of electricity in their village.

Kerosene Distribution Corrupt, Needy Distressed

/ July 25, 2011

In Malegaon, subsidized kerosene meant for the poorest is diverted by the distributors.

Ration Corruption Continues in Rural Orissa

/ November 22, 2010

Below Poverty Line villagers in Cuttack district are constantly cheated of their allotted rations.

Villagers ExposeCorrupt Dealer

/ August 30, 2010

Villagers in Bihar’s Vaishali district expose corruption in the Public Distribution System, seek action.