Tag: maharshtra

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Surviving Corona in a Mumbai Slum. Annabhau Sathe Nagar Is a Lesson For All |...

/ April 27, 2020

Annabhau Sathe Nagar is a slum in Mumbai that houses around seven thousand people. Though the houses are only a few apart and densely populated, residents have taken the initiative to implement the lockdown. People can’t go out to earn their living, food is scarce and whatever little is available...

#Notebandi Frontlines: Malegaon Power Looms Forced to Shut Shop

/ January 31, 2017

Over the last two decades, the world has seen dramatic changes–people have moved from landlines to cellphones, from writing letters to using email–but little has changed for Nandan Pagare, a 41-year-old power-loom worker. Pagare, who looked much older than his age, has been working in Malegaon’s power loom industry, 270...

Without crop loans, Nashik farmers forced to resort to private moneylenders

/ January 20, 2017

“Will the farmers of Nashik have to resort to suicide this year too?” aMaya Khodve, a social activist and community correspondent asks the Maharashtra Chief Minister, as she covers the Nashik district’s farmers agitation against the Nashik District Central Co-operative Bank (NDCC) Bank. The bank has refused to provide crop...

Without pension, an old folk musician forced to beg for food

/ December 6, 2016

The folk music represents the soul of the indigenous culture of India. The songs are the oral history encompassing the myths, lives of peasants, the joys and struggles of men and women which are passed down from generation to generation. Folk music, like all folk arts, are the shreds of evidence of...

‘Stop this joke’ Narmada Dam displaced tell Maharashtra Govt

/ October 18, 2016

Under the Narmada Dam project, better known as Sardar Sarovar Project, 33 villages of Maharashtra will be submerged. While the Maharashtra Government states on paper that 21 families have been rehabilitated, the families state that this is all a lie. Chetan Salve, Video Volunteers Community Correspondent from Maharashtra investigated the...