Tag: Migrant workers

Community Survey

Amid COVID-19 Second Wave, How are India’s Rural Areas Faring?

/ May 24, 2021

We may never truly know the extent of deaths and infections in rural India, where 70 percent of our people live.

No Cards

Walked Home 500 KMs and Locked-Up in Isolation Centre With No Food | COVID 19...

/ April 13, 2020

The many millions who walked back to their homes in villages as cities locked down, were in for a rude shock when they reached. In Batiyagarh, people arriving from Indore city were taken to three makeshift isolation centres. Unfortunately, the overworked system is unable to provide food or medical attention...

Life of Migrant Labourers in Kashmir

/ February 21, 2017

Kashmir has been depending on migrant workers to fulfil the increase in the demand for skilled labour for decades now.An estimated five lakh migrant labourers from Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh and Punjab

Govt DestroysTribals’ Livelihood

/ September 3, 2010

Indiscriminate felling of trees by government robs poor tribals in India’s Chattisgarh of their sole livelihood: Collecting ‘Tendu’ leaves

Slum Escapes Eviction

/ August 16, 2010

Legal intervention, sought by activists including our correspondent Ajeet Bahadur has helped 200 slum dwellers escape eviction in Allahabad.