Tag: minorities

Ramzan Ansari has no place under the Prime Minister’s Rural Housing Scheme

/ November 9, 2016

Imagine living in a house with its’ tile roof all caved in, hardly any shelter from the seasons or the wild animals outside. Come rains, the floors of your house get flooded in rainwaters till knees and your children run to you scared every night it rains. This is the...

People Vs. Govt in Land Conflicts

/ December 30, 2011

Projects in the name of development are causing displacement, loss of livelihood and frustration across India.

Lost Houses of Sajwal

/ September 23, 2011

In Sajwal, Maharashtra, people are still waiting for promised housing grants.

People Vs. Govt in Land Conflicts

/ September 13, 2011

Projects in the name of development are causing displacement, loss of livelihood and frustration across India.

Modern Democracy, Feudal Minds

/ February 4, 2011

Despotic politicians in Uttar Pradesh punish Dalits for participating in local elections, terrorise village.