Tag: poverty

Fighting For A Home In Mumbai Slums

/ July 12, 2011

In Mumbai, slum dwellers are unremittingly struggling to secure housing.

When Marriage Does Not Come At a Cost

/ July 5, 2011

In Rajasthan, a mass wedding ceremony is helping to put an end to dowry and child marriage.

Unhygienic Pickle Factory Endangers Health

/ June 3, 2011

Pickle factory in Mumbai’s slum, is unmonitored by owner and overlooked by health department.

Gender Bias In Wages

/ April 27, 2011

Women farm workers in rural India labour hard, but are paid only half of what men are. This video captures the bias in Maharashtra state

Shrines Chosen Over Shelter

/ March 2, 2011

Millions of rupees meant to provide basic amenities to locals is diverted to build temples by village panchayat in Goa’s Cotigaon.

Blast Threatens Ghat Livelihoods

/ January 31, 2011

Small businesses on the Varanasi ghats threatened eviction in the name of security.

Girl Fights poverty, Gives Inspiration

/ January 27, 2011

A young girl in Patna, Mustari, overcomes loss and poverty, prioritises education.

Tamil’s Transgender Community

/ December 27, 2010

Indian society has a 4000-year history of pushing its male to female transgender community into becoming Hijra.