Tag: school

Indian Students on Wrong Side of Digital Divide

/ February 8, 2012

Govt. High School in Salani, Uttarakhand is struggling with poor computer facilities.

Manipuri Kids Score for Peace

/ December 12, 2011

Footballs returns many Manipuri childhoods and offers a better future.

No Admission for Migrant Children

/ November 29, 2011

In Punjab, migrant children are withheld from accessing their Right to Education

Govt. takes away Right to Education

/ November 23, 2011

Government schools in Chennai slums are being closed down by the state.

No Room for School

/ November 15, 2011

The children of a Government School in Jammu and Kashmir have only one room to study in.

Temporary Education Hits Rural School

/ October 27, 2011

Lack of Permanent Teachers Hinders Higher Education in Rajasthan.

Education Speaks A Different Language

/ September 2, 2011

Semi-english medium schools in Maharashtra look towards a brighter future for all.

Monsoons Flood School

/ August 24, 2011

Vipin Joshi, Uttarakahnd. Monsoons wreaks havoc government school and students have nowhere to go.