Video Volunteers Community Correspondent Inspires People To Get Vaccinated | COVID-19


Navita Devi, our Community Correspondent from Katihar noticed a peculiar problem in her village. She noticed that people were skeptic of taking the COVID-19 vaccine. They had fallen prey to the barrage of misinformation circulating on social media, WhastApp and of hearing rumors of someone in the neighbouring village dying because of the vaccine. They were not ready to take the vaccine at any cost. Some of them were even hostile towards health workers.

This is when Navita decided to change things around. With the help of pamphlets and videos, Navita explained the benefits of the vaccine and busted rumors about the viral disease. This went on for several weeks. Slowly, villagers started accepting the facts and disregarded the rumors. They also saw that people who had taken the vaccine were doing fine. This is how Navita was able to create a positive impact in her village.

In total, there were more than 50 people who got vaccinated as a result of Navita's concentrated efforts.

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