Widows in Bihar Seek Financial Stability

25th June, 2015 | Dharaut village, Makhdumpur Block, Bihar | Asha

Urmila Devi, is a septuagenarian who lost her husband about four years ago. With no other source of income or financial support she relies squarely on the Laxmibai Social Security Pension Scheme for her survival. However, for the past four years, neither she, nor other widows in the village have been able to get access to funds under this scheme.

Life for widows in India continues to be traumatic in India. Urmila for instance, faces regular verbal abuse from her son; that is when he hasn't completely disappeared from the scene. A step towards financial stability is also a step towards a more dignified life for women like her.

You can support her today.

Call to Action: Please call the Block Development Officer of Makhdumpur on +91 9431818078 and ask him to ensure that all widows in Dharaut get access to the widow pension scheme.

Community Correspondents come from marginalized communities in India and produce videos on unreported stories. These stories are ’news by those who live it.’ they give the hyper local context to global human rights and development challenges. See more such videos at www.videovolunteers.org. Take action for a more just global media by sharing their videos and joining in their call for change.

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